
The BigJake guy

Who is he?

Your opinion matters
Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

BigJake is a fictional avatar in BigJakeConnects He represents the typical lumberjack, the local farmer, the construction or trade guy, plumbers, electricians, even factory workers, office workers, or the sales guys in our community.

Many of us are BigJake's in our own way. Often they call us blue collar workers, but we identify more as the hands-on, non-academic guys that get the physical stuff done.

BigJakeConnects is designed for busy guys with a short attention span to find local support and tools to fix, manage or at least understand their emotional pain when they are in crisis.

BigJakeConnects tries to get through the clutter of information overload by focusing on life stuff that really matters. Giving you a voice to be heard and connecting you with the local help you might need.

BigJakeConnects does not know it all, but we have our collective wisdom or local community support network that might have some of the answers or solutions that we need today.

Your Toolbox

BigJakeConnects hopes to add simple but usable tools in the tool section of every topic.

This will be a work in progress as the BigJakeConnects team, our local services provider partners and our clients propose proven tools or time tested methods of self management or reflection.

BigJake's Thoughts

Welcome to BigJakeConnects

We believe that we as a community can help each other be successful in overcoming some of life stuff that comes our way.

Because we are all different and have different needs and stuff you are encouraged to look at our topic pictures or categories and try to identify your biggest pain or struggle.

Each topic has a related topic link for further exploring. Then send us a short email if you like with your opinion or thoughts specifically around that topic.

We would then post a short extract or summary on our community opinion link where others can read it and give their insight and or opinion. Each of our topics has different voices with their opinion as well as a toolbox with tools or suggestions from our collaborative partners.

Have a look and see if some of those tools can work for you. Make suggestions on new topics that we can add to this growing list.

Finally, we encourage you to see if we have a link to local community service or a program that can support you to be successful in self-managing your pain or struggle.

If no link is available, then send us an email and we will explore what services are possibly available and list them. bigJake is a work in progress

With your help we will get there sooner.

Thanks for visiting.

Author's Opinion

Here the BigJakeConnects team will add comments from various authors that we might think is relevant to each topic.

The authors that we do quote extensively, will also have their book added as a resource for you to explore in our Book Journey category.

Community Opinions (public)

This section will reflect the collective coments and opinions that site visitors post via the Your Opinion tab as it relates to that specific topic.

It wil be manually edited by the BigJake team to keep it short and exclude personal or harmfull content.

Thoughts about this topic:

I never really paid attention to my emotional health untill my relationship meltdown last year. -Walter. S, Oct 2023

Challenges for me about this topic:

Im so lost trying to understand why my emotions are so all over the place. I dont really know what to do. -Walter. S, Oct 2023

Your Opinion Matters
Thank you for your shared opinion. BigJakeConnects will post only edited content, but not personal detail, publicly in Community Opinion. This way others can add their thoughts and we can learn from each other.
Disclaimer: BigJakeConnects does not collect hold or store any personal client information.
Suggest a Topic
Do you have a topic you'd like us to discuss? We would love to hear from you. Head on over to our contact page and let us know what you'd like to hear about.
Terms of Service

This website is for information only. It represents the unproven opinions / thoughts of various authors or collaborating partners.

This website and its content is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or counselling advice.

BigJakeConnect Society and/ or associate organizations specifically disclaim any and all liability contained in or linked to this website.

A health-care professional should be consulted regarding your specific medical condition.

If you have a medical, mental health or other emergency, then reach out to the local emergency services helpline or hospital.


The contents of this website is subject to licencing and copyright. All rights reserved.

All webpages and all artwork has been minted as NFTs for exclusive use by BigJakeConnect Society and/ or their representatives.

No part of this website or content may be used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of BigJakeConnect Society and/ or their representatives, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews.

Updated: November 2023

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Success Stories

At last we have an online connector of local programs and services all in one place! Well done, this is so great.

- Don, Mission, BC, Canada