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How BigJakeConnects works

Your opinion matters
Your opinion matters
Web Wisdom

Welcome to BigJakeConnects

We believe that we as a community can help each other be successful in overcoming some of life stuff that comes our way.

Because we are all different and have different needs and different "stuff", you are encouraged to look at our topic pictures or categories and try to identify your biggest pain or struggle.

Each topic has a series of color tabs so you can get a variety of different opinions or views on a specific subject or topic.

These are just other people's thoughts or opinions and some tools to get you started on a journey of self care, self management and self discovery.

You are encouraged to use other reliable media or online resources to gain a balanced insight or direction regarding a specific topic.

It will also help you re-evaluate your own beliefs around a topic and consider if your beliefs are still serving you well.... or does it need some changes or updates.

Your Opinion Matters is a link where your thoughts can be heard and considered on a specific topic.

Then most importantly BigJakeConnects wants to connect you with a local support program that can come alongside you to help you become successfull in managing your callenges.

We are all on this journey of life, and some of our struggels are very real and complex.

The BigJakeConnects team and community hopes to create a more positive life experience for all of us.

We promote the idea of community interdependance and care from the heart.

Your Toolbox

Every topic will eventually have a good practical tool or link to some tools that could be helpfull dealing with stuff around that specific topic.

BigJakeConnects primary purpose is to connect you with local human support services

BigJakeConnects can be of assistance in helping you discovering or identifying your biggest immediate pain or crisis

BigJakeConnects could be a great support resource BEFORE, DURING or AFTER your journey to emotional health has begun or ended.

Podcast & Youtube Links

Here we will add great proven podcasts or You Tube links

BigJake's Thoughts

We believe that we as a community can help each other be successful in overcoming some of life stuff that comes our way.

Because we are all different and have different needs and different "stuff", you are encouraged to look at our topic pictures or categories and try to identify your biggest pain or struggle.

Each topic has a series of color tabs so you can get a more balanced view of the subject or topic.

These are just thoughts, opinions or tools to get you started on a journey of self care, self management and self discovery.

You are encouraged to use other relaible media or online resources to gain a balanced insight or direction regarding a specific topic.

Your Opinion Matters is a link where your thoughts can be heard and considered on a specific topic.

Then most importantly BigJakeConnects want to connect you with a local support program that can come alongside you to help you become successfull in managing your callenges.

We are all on this journey of life, and some of our struggels are very real and complex.

The BigJakeConnects team and community hopes to create a more positive life experience for all of us we promote the idea of community interdependance and care from the heart.

Author's Opinion

Here the BigJakeConnects team will add comments from various authors that we might think is relevant to each topic.

The authors that we do quote extensively, will also have their book added as a resource for you to explore in our Book Journey category.

Other authors or quotes will be referenced in the General Book Resources catagory for your convienience.

Community Opinions (public)

This section will reflect the collective comments and opinions that site visitors post via the Your Opinion tab as it relates to that specific topic.

It wil be manually edited by BigJakeConnects team to keep it short and exclude personal or harmfull content.

Members Blog (sign up required)

The BigJakeConnects team will add a Members Only Blog that will give more opertuity for site visitors to discuss various site specific topics of interest.

The Blog content will be actively moderated and kept on topic by a member of the BigJakeConnects team.

This will help participants communicate clearly, be heard and become more open to hear others thoughts and opinions.

Your Opinion Matters
Thank you for your shared opinion. BigJakeConnects will post only edited content, but not personal detail, publicly in Community Opinion. This way others can add their thoughts and we can learn from each other.
Disclaimer: BigJakeConnects does not collect hold or store any personal client information.
Suggest a Topic
Do you have a topic you'd like us to discuss? We would love to hear from you. Head on over to our contact page and let us know what you'd like to hear about.
Terms of Service

This website is for information only. It represents the unproven opinions / thoughts of various authors or collaborating partners.

This website and its content is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional medical or counselling advice.

BigJakeConnect Society and/ or associate organizations specifically disclaim any and all liability contained in or linked to this website.

A health-care professional should be consulted regarding your specific medical condition.

If you have a medical, mental health or other emergency, then reach out to the local emergency services helpline or hospital.


The contents of this website is subject to licencing and copyright. All rights reserved.

All webpages and all artwork has been minted as NFTs for exclusive use by BigJakeConnect Society and/ or their representatives.

No part of this website or content may be used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of BigJakeConnect Society and/ or their representatives, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews.

Updated: November 2023

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BigJake hopes to connect all our local communities, programs and services.

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Success Stories

At last we have an online connector of local programs and services all in one place! Well done, this is so great.

- Don, Mission, BC, Canada